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Is there a conspiracy against our education?

Have you ever wondered why our school system focuses mainly on teaching us how to get a good job but not so much on how to own and/or create these jobs?  And yes, I agree, not everyone wants to be a boss.  And yes, it is very possible to achieve your dream by working for someone else, but that is not what this article is about.

Has our education system been manipulated?  Is it deliberate that we do not learn about the fundamentals of money at school?  If we learnt about how money works at

Image courtesy of www.freedigitalphotos.net

Image courtesy of www.freedigitalphotos.net

an earlier age, would so many of us be carrying so much bad debt?

Our school system was not designed to support the concept that each and every one of us can be financially free.  Some may even laugh and call this concept ludicrous.

Is it time for an educational reform towards financial education in schools?  If we do not reform in this direction is it that we’ll continue to set our children up for failure by not giving them the necessary tools?

If we had learnt more about money in school would we be living in fear that we might lose our jobs? 

Is it that we have given up our freedom for a steady income?  Is this also the reason why some of us expect the government and/or our employer to solve our financial problems?

Ask yourself these questions: “How knowledgeable am I about money, taxes, debt, inflation and retirement?”, “Do I know how these forces affect my life?”

How interested are you in money?  Some of us will say that we have no interest in money and that money is not all that important.  Some of us will use 1 Timothy 6:10 to justify this position –

“For the love of money is a source of all kinds of evil.  Some have been so eager to have it that they have wandered away from the faith and have broken their hearts with many sorrows.” (GNT)

We should not delude ourselves about money – it is very difficult to live without it – try functioning without a source of income if you are in doubt.

 In Ecclesiastes 10:19, King Solomon said

 “Feasting makes you happy and wine cheers you up, but you can’t have either without money.” (GNT)

 Then, if money is a fact of life and an imperative element to our survival, why then aren’t we teaching more about financial literacy in our schools?

So again I ask – is there a conspiracy against our education?

You decide.




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The Retirement Money Myth

The Retirement Money Myth image

Millions upon millions of Americans who are part of the baby boomer generation will retire over the next decades. But are they ready? Most people assume they will spend less in retirement, but the true numbers tell a different story. How will this affect your financial future?

Read the full article here: The Retirement Money Myth.


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It’s Easy To Do What Successful People Do

business man on ladder

Posted on: Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Written by: Robert Kiyosaki

Read full article here: It’s Easy To Do What Successful People Do.



Why being is more important than doing

Doing what successful people do is easy. One of the reasons there are so many wealthy people who didn’t do well in school is because the “to-do” part of becoming wealthy is simple. You don’t have to go to school to become rich. The “to-do” part of becoming rich is definitely not rocket science.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is a classic book I read when I was younger. I recommend that you read it as well. There’s a reason why the book starts with “think” in the title instead of “work hard” or “get a job.” The fact is that the people who simply work the hardest are not the ones who become financially free. Instead, you must learn to think differently than others, to not go along with the crowd.

Read full article here: It’s Easy To Do What Successful People Do


Who is Bridgette Bucknor?

“Creative, insightful”

“A powerhouse, enthusiastic, passionate, vibrant”

Bridgette Bucknor

“I know the price for success: dedication, hard work and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.”

These are just a few of the words that Bridgette’s friends use to describe her.

My friendship with Bridge B began in 2010 when I walked into a presentation that she was delivering.  She is a woman, who like many of us, is always on the go juggling the many hats of life –

a woman of God, daughter, aunt, friend, sister, entrepreneur, blogger…

I sat down with Bridge B to get a better picture behind the woman who has such a genuine love for life and a drive to help people succeed.

Bridgette was born to parents Godwin (Bunny) and Barbara.  She grew up in Kingston Jamaica with her two younger sisters Cathy and Marsha.  She attended Ivy Campbell Preparatory, The Queens High School and The University of the West Indies.

When I asked her what was the most important thing to her, without hesitation her response was “God!”  Whatever she does, she does unto Him first and her relationship with Him helps her with her other relationships.

When asked to describe herself, she threw her head back in laughter and exclaimed between outbursts:

“Yuh tink a now mi a try sum up Bridgette Bucknor?!”

When the hysterical laughter subsided, she managed to say:

“I try to understand things, such as why do people break up, why don’t people say what they mean, why do some people succeed.  I am always exploring the functions of outcomes and behavioural things.

I always share and teach what I have learnt.

There are many facets to me and it is difficult to use just one sentence.  At my core, I try to always do the right thing and I love a good joke.”

What drives her to get up everyday?

Like most of us, Bridge B has seen some ups and downs along her journey.  In the past, she from serious pain and struggled to get out of bed.

Now, she is just so thankful that she is no longer in pain and her passion for life gets her up everyday.  She sees everyday as a new opportunity to impact her world.

The one thing she would love to be able to do

“Save underprivileged people.”

She said with such great conviction.

It is Bridge B’s view that network marketing can provide her with significant disposable income that she can then use to help people who are really experiencing hardships.

“Imagine anonymously paying school fees, or paying hospital bills, or fixing peoples’ houses.  There are people out there who just cannot afford these things.  To help these people is a real dream of mine.”

“Also, I want to show the children who you are always seeing on the streets and at the stop lights that they can dream again.  By ascertaining and fostering their skills set, talents and gifts, they can see life differently.”

“We can redirect our youth from a life of crime and prepare them for the workforce by building their self-esteem, providing supplemental education, personal development, creative and critical thinking and encouraging and empowering them.”

As a child, what career did she want to pursue?

Bridgette Bucknor

“I want my legacy to be different for each person – I am not a cookie cutter – I hope I touch different people in different ways.”

“Yuh want di list in alphabetical or age order?”

She asked with humour and sarcasm.

“I wanted to be a vet, a lawyer, a sports medicine physiotherapist, an entrepreneur, a pilot.  I wanted to do everything except what I am currently doing.”

Bridge B currently owns and operates a traditional business in custom broking – Glocal Customs Brokers & Freight Forwarders.

She also distributes products for major lifestyle diseases such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes through her franchise with Unicity International.

In closing, she offered these words of encouragement:  the price for success is dedication, hard work and an unremitting devotion to the things that you want to see happen.



What if…?

What if we could stop the mayhem and the nightmare?

What if we could taste the magic again?

Through the hustle and bustle of morning traffic, I chose not to do my usual “…really so much traffic, do I reaaaalllllllly need to be doing this…” speech and tried to view life through a different lens. And what an adventure it was!

Imagine what a different world this would be if each and every one of us engaged our brains; generated our edge even

– oh what endless possibilities would exist!  I will go further and say that life would not feel so much like an empty land.

I reaffirmed that choice is a beautiful thing and it is indeed possible to say yes in paradise

Personally, I knew it was all up to God and my faith and trust in Him.  He continues to show me on a daily basis how to put my best life forward

His love is as nurturing as a father’s and mother’s love.  His love endures forever and not just for 40-50 years like a roof made with wallaba or turada shingles.

He helps me to lime for living everyday.

When I am lost, tired, weary, trampled down, or just plain and simple – cyan bada [Jamaican patios which may be translated “not in the mood”], I try to always look up.  After all, millions of dreams need strong shoulders.

Be blessed.


Never give up

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Never give up




The Future…

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Down But Not Out

Psalm 88:1 NIV and Philippians 4:7 NIV

A recent Daily Bread is entitled “Down But Not Out”, written by Herb Vander Lugt. When I first saw the title, my thoughts were “Hmmmmmm, let’s see what this is all about, and how these Bible verses are related to such a title.”

The reading cites the example of Samuel Johnson, an 18th-century author, and his “zest for living”, up to the day he died.

The section of the reading that spoke to me the most was the ending which relates to Philippians 4:7 – “…especially for those who go through times of doubt and despair.”

Despair may be defined as the loss of hope, hopelessness. I have many a times forgotten the “peace of God” during my “down, but not out” times. Agreeably, there are times when merely quoting Bible verses helps little. However, if we keep living and praying, our faith will prevail.
